Here we are 18 months past the newborn stage, and I'm finally completing the entire photo session I took with Frankie when she was only a few weeks old. I'm sure I can't be the only photographer mom with a bad habit of putting my personal work occasionally on the back burner. But I'd like to think I'm getting the hang of this balance thing more and more as each year passes, but this life is a learning journey right? So here's to not having to be perfect.
My sweet little Frankie. She was just 6 lbs 13 oz when she came into the world, the perfect little baby who arrived on a Friday afternoon during Sawyer's second day of Kindergarten. Her labor progressed steadily and quickly and was so much easier than I had been anticipating for the majority of our third trimester when I was mentally preparing for a breach birth. Ouch. So happy she was able to turn into position before her birthday. Everything about our birth story turned so wonderfully and we are beyond blessed to have this little babe in our family.