I found myself feeling super scattered last night with bath times and reading and bed time and poopy bums and dirty kitchens and work to do, thing to bake and workouts to get done... and then, a clear voice in my head told me, just have a damn bath.

So, I scoured my oil cabinet for the perfect bath time blend to bring with me downstairs, and I intuitively grabbed the Forgiveness blend thinking I could have a forgiveness bath - whatever that may be.

What I came up with, was a powerful bath meditation that personally evoked a very strong and positive mental and physical reaction. I definitely recommend trying for yourself, forgiveness is a truly freeing practice.
T h e M e t h o d
In a hot bath, add a tbsp of fractionated coconut oil, a cup of Epsom salts, and 5-10 drops of your chosen oils (try spruce, bergamot, juniper, myrrh, arborvitae or your favourite)
Use the acronym FLOAT HI to remember the steps of this meditation as you bob up and down in the water ...
FLOAT HI | bath meditation
F - float - in a full tub, close your eyes and submerge yourself so that your ears are in the water comfortably and your body rises and falls with each deep breath.
L - listen - tune into the sounds you hear reverberating off the walls of the tub: your heart beat, bubbles, white noise or frequencies.
O - observe - scan your body, where do you need healing the most? Be open and honest with yourself and try to visualize the space that’s in need.
A - affirm - try using an affirmation like, 'I send healing energy to my [wherever needs healing physical or mental]' or, 'my _____ is healing now', or 'I am getting better and better everyday.'
T - touch - place your hands upon the spaces that you wish to promote healing, or the area that feels the most comforting. Be intuitive with your touch, perhaps stillness, maybe circular motions.
H - heal - relax into the physical sensations of healing energy that you notice under your palms and throughout the rest of your body. What do you feel?
I - inquire - once you’re feeling very relaxed and connected, you may then request that your mind recalls a memory that needs tending to. Something from your past that might sting a little bit to think about. Repeat this forgiveness mantra to yourself several times over, allowing yourself to sit with the uncomfortable feelings
I forgive you. I’m sorry. Thank you. I love you.
Spend as much time as you need on the memories that surface. Some memories will need multiple similar sessions in order to release, or even begin to release. (Take your time, do the work.)
All the while your body gently floats up and down in sync with the beat of your breath. When you’re ready to return back to the present moment, do so slooowly and take your time to re-emerge.
At the end of your bath rinse your body in cold water - as cold as you can stand - for 60 seconds. Control your breathing, this is the most important key for cold therapy.
You will feel empowered, invigorated and renewed at the end of this self care ritual and surely your heart will feel a little lighter and brighter as the water swims down the drain.
I hope you enjoy this meditation and find it moving and shifting in all the right places. Be sure to share your experience with me! Tag me on Instagram @ashleyalexandra or @aakvincent - I would love to connect!
